Yalitza Aparicio es la portada de la revista ¡Hola!, genera comentarios negativos y cuenta con el apoyo de su país

La actuación de Aparicio le ha valido nominaciones a los más importantes premios internacionales, incluido el Oscar. Yalitza vive un auténtico huracán mediático siendo portada de revistas y reconocida por legisladores mexicanos.

Este jueves 22 de Febrero, la revista ¡HOLA! la colocó en portada con un largo vestido rojo con escote. Y acompañó esta imagen con varios titulares de la entrevista realizada a la actriz.

“Siempre me he sentido orgullosa de lo que soy y de quién soy” , es una de las declaraciones de Aparicio destacadas en la portada.

Yalitza Aparicio y su portada en la revista Hola que causa polémica

Pero lo que llamó la atención de muchos no fue el atuendo de la actriz o sus declaraciones, sino su aspecto. Las críticas a la revista no tardaron en llegar. Múltiples comentarios en Facebook, Instagram y Twitter cuestionaron el trabajo de Photoshop que hizo que parezca otra mujer.

En particular llamó la atención el aparente aclaramiento de la piel, así como un posible retoque de la complexión física de la joven. La revista ¡Hola! contestó a BBC Mundo que “al menos por ahora” no darán declaraciones al respecto .

“¿Acaso es tan difícil poner a una mujer morena en portada? ¿Es realmente necesario que luzca blanca, alta y flaca? El racismo y clasismo en México me da asco”, escribió Iván Estuardo, un usuario de Facebook.

“¿Por qué se empeñan en volverla igual que los estereotipos de mujer de sus portadas? Ella es hermosa con su tono de piel, estatura y complexión ¡y además es feliz de ser así!”, dijo Anis YM en Instagram.

La cuenta de Twitter “Malditos estereotipos”, criticó a ¡HOLA! por “resistirse a ver la belleza más allá de los estándares europeos”.

La revista “Vogue” de México, publicó en su portada a la Yalitza “sin retoques”, quien se convirtió en la primera mujer de ascendencia indígena en aparecer en la primera página de Vogue.

Yalitza Aparicio

“Lo que más me da gusto es que esta es la primera vez que una mujer de origen indígena está siendo nominada (…) es maravilloso el trabajo que ha hecho Yalitza y más aún que se le esté reconociendo”, destacó a principios de mes Alfonso Cuarón.

La actriz nació en Tlaxiaco, la región mixteca del estado de Oaxaca, una zona conformado en su mayoría por población de origen indígena y a su vez una de las más pobres..

“Espero que todo México esté contento”, declaró emocionada Aparicio tras conocerse su nominación.

Estudiantes de música en Tlaxiaco

“Unos la apoyan… otros la retocan”, decía el diario El Universal al día siguiente, uno de los periódicos más vendidos de México.

Positivamente, es vista por muchos mexicanos como un ejemplo y reivindicación del cine nacional. El apoyo es claro en escenarios tan inusuales como la política: diputados mexicanos llamaron a que se respete la diversidad étnica y la riqueza cultural del país en el marco de un homenaje a la actriz.

Durante el reconocimiento a Yalitza por “su trascendencia en el ámbito público”, los diputados pidieron a los estados y municipios de todo el país promover políticas y medidas para prevenir y erradicar la discriminación en todas sus expresiones.

Ya es hora de que empecemos a hacerle frente a los estereotipos impuestos por las revistas y el Photoshop. ¡Por más mujeres imponentes y ambiciosas del cambio!

Sobre Micaela Isaak

La única maratón que conozco es la de Netflix🍿 Educadora con el sueño de artista🎨📷 Qué mejor que divertirse haciendo reír🎭 22 años

¿Que opinas?


4 thoughts on “Yalitza Aparicio es la portada de la revista ¡Hola!, genera comentarios negativos y cuenta con el apoyo de su país

  1. lospochocleros,

    Want to be Instagram cool?

    Well, today I will teach you the best way to amazingly improve the way you Instagram.

    Now, imagine that it’s Friday and you have just woken up from a sound slumber.

    You roll over in bed to check your phone.

    Flipping to Instagram.

    Wow, you think, Over 800 likes on a single picture.

    Heading to the kitchen, you put the kettle on for some tea and glance at your Instagram while you wait.

    Presto! Another 87 likes.

    Buzz—another message pops into your inbox from a follower. They are asking you for advice on how you manage your food, and are congratulating you on your third month of hitting the gym.

    A smile appears on your face as you receive another message. This person emailed you to let you know she loves your posts.

    Within minutes, your phone buzzes AGAIN.

    It’s another message coming in. You glance up at the clock–almost time for the gym. You will have to hit them up later.
    Listen, lospochocleros, most people just are not in control of their life. Seriously, they can’t even force themselves to munch a balanced brekky, much less hit the gym.

    Now, this is the point in time where you learn to take control of your Instagram.

    Imagine if you raised your engagement by 100%, or 1000%?

    It is not complicated to do, although almost no one does. Just visit our website. There, you’ll learn how to garner Instagram followers and likes like mad…effortlessly.

    Automagically see tons of likes on your images just minutes after posting.

    If you’re anything like our other valued compadres, you’ll have a great chance of hitting the “Top Post” section in a very short time.

    This is all great, but you have really got to put in the work to make it happen. OK, you got me, it is not real work.
    1. Check out https://jabbertune.pro
    2. Put in your Instagram username.
    3. The three pictures you uploaded last will get 10 – 15 likes. Just like that.

    Hitting the Top Post page will 10X your InstaGrowth. But you have got to do more than just want it–you have got to do something about it. Are you willing?

    See you soon.

  2. Hey, lospochocleros!

    Do you not wish you had a chance at becoming Instagram famous?

    Have you ever thought about how to be an Instagram Influencer?

    Now, imagine that it’s Friday and you have just woken up from a sound summer-time nap.

    You roll over in bed to check your phone.

    Flipping to Instagram.

    Hmmm, you think, Over 561 likes on one picture.

    You put your super-duper soft slippers on and head to the kitchen for some coffee. After putting on the kettle, you pull out your phone again.

    Bam! Another 63 likes.

    Buzz—a message pops into your inbox from a follower. They are asking you for advice on how you manage your food, and are congratulating you on your third month of hitting the gym.

    The kettle blows and you pour your tea. When you flip out your phone, there’s another message–this time from a young girl–thanking you for posting. She follows you religiously and you are an inspiration.

    As you begin to respond, your cell buzzes again.

    Oops, another ping. But no time to reply—you’ve got to hit the gym.
    Listen, lospochocleros, most people just are not in control of their life. Seriously, they can’t even get themselves to eat a balanced breakfast, much less hit the gym.

    My job is to take people from Instagram no one to Insta-celebrity. (It sounds foolish, but results don’t lie.)

    Imagine if you raised your popularity by 100%, or 1000%?

    Truth is, it is not the most difficult thing in the world to get more. As an example, all the old pros use our website.

    Our lovely, confidential service quickly sends likes to your images a few minutes after you’ve posted them.

    The “Top Post” section, all of a sudden, does not seem that far away.

    Sound too good to be true? Just follow these steps to get a taste:
    1. Visit https://rhymbo.icu
    2. Enter in your Instagram username.
    3. Your 3 most recent pictures are getting 10 – 15 likes. Just like that.

    Being a regular staple on that page will supercharge your growth 10x, easy. But if you want the fame, you’ve got to reach for it. Are you ready?

    Chow for now.

  3. Hey, lospochocleros!

    Want to be Instagram cool?

    If you are like me, you have rummaged through Instagram, wondering “how do so many friggin people get so rich and famous”?

    Picture this: You wake up early in the morning, even before your alarm goes off.

    Roll over, check your cell.

    Hit the Instragram App.

    Hmmm, you think, Over 800 likes on a single picture.

    You rise out of the warmth of your bed, stalk to the kitchen. You want a drink, so you place the kettle on for some tea, and check Instagram again.

    Presto! Another 38 likes.

    Here comes another one. This time it’s not a like but a message from one of your followers. They commend you on your success and let you know they absolutely love your content.

    A grin grows on your face as you receive another message. This person emailed you to let you know she loves your posts.

    As you begin to write back, your cell buzzes again.

    It’s another message coming in. You glance up at the clock–almost time for the gym. You will have to reply later.
    Anyways, you get the point. This is the life of an Instagram celebrity. I should know, because I’ve made many of them.

    I’m going to show you how to take control of your Instagram.

    Imagine if you raised your popularity by 100%, or 1000%?

    It’s not difficult to do, although almost no one does. Just visit our website. There, you’ll learn how to garner Instagram likes and followers like mad…without even trying.

    Our lovely, confidential service automatically sends likes to your images a few minutes after you’ve posted them.

    If you’re anything like our other valued compadres, you will have a great chance of hitting the “Top Post” section in a very short time.

    And because we love you, we made testing things out as simple as kitchen-cooled apple crumble:
    1. Click https://picturestorm.fun
    2. Plug in your Instagram username.
    3. 10 – 15 likes will be sent to your three most recent pictures. Just like that.

    Being a regular staple on that page will accelerate your growth 10x, easy. You know where the answer to fame is. Now reach for it. Are you ready?

    See you soon.

  4. How’s it going, nicoalanmedina?

    Want to be Instagram cool?

    Well, today I’m going to teach you the best way to totally improve the way you Instagram.

    Imagine: it is Friday morning and you’ve promised yourself you’d hit the gym today.

    You pull out your cell.

    Hit the Instragram App.

    You‘re surprised at what is waiting for you: Over 652 likes on one of your pictures! There, you can see a a huge amount of likes on your pictures–over 738 on a single photo alone.

    You hop out of your bed, meander to the kitchen. You want a drink, so you put the kettle on for some coffee, and check Instagram again.

    Presto! Another 20 likes.

    And here comes another message. It’s from one of your followers asking about your workout regime, and congratulating you on your third official month of practicing yoga.

    As you read it, you begin to smile. It’s a super sweet-looking person, and they love your posts.

    As you begin to write back, your cell buzzes again.

    It’s another message coming in. You glance up at the clock–almost time for the gym. You will have to reply later.
    Listen, nicoalanmedina, most people just are not in control of their life. Hell, they can’t even get themselves to have a balanced brekky, much less hit the gym.

    I’m going to show you how to take control of your Instagram.

    Now, what if you could raise your popularity by 100%, or 1000%?

    It’s not complicated to do, although almost no one does. Just hit up our website. There, you’ll learn how to garner Instagram likes and followers like mad…effortlessly.

    Our pro-rated, confidential service automatically sends likes to your pictures a few minutes after you have posted them.

    With this you’ve a big chance to be featured in the “Top Post” section.

    This is all great, but you have actually got to put in the work to make it happen. OK, you got me, it’s not real work.
    1. Click https://brightjam.icu
    2. Enter your Instagram username.
    3. Your 3 most recent uploads are getting 10 – 15 likes. Just like that.

    Hitting the Top Post page will 10X your InstaGrowth. But you’ve got to do more than just want it–you’ve got to do something about it. Are you willing?

    See you on the flipside.

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